Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.
- Jean Paul Richter

countdown to 4-0

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Friday, February 7, 2014

40 Days to Turning 42

Morning Selfie
9:17 am
At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At 40, we don't care what they think of us. At 60, we discover they haven't been thinking of us at all. - Ann Landers

This blog page was originally created to countdown the months leading to my 40th birthday, and document how it is to be in one's 40's, as I wrote in this blogpost: Take-Off!

Alas, I was unable to do that. I will not go into why I was unable to do it but instead list down what I hope will be personal guidelines, others can learn from, to be able to complete personal challenges.  Inspite of leaving scattered uncompleted projects behind me,  I have in fact completed many!

Only, I tend to let the feelings of defeat from previous unfinished projects to pull me down and keep me down. This diminish the feeling of joy over the accomplishment of  those completed projects.

No more of that attitude!  Here is more to empowering attitude! Celebrating what has been reached, giving kudos to one self for having the courage to begin, again and again. Cultivate the creative energy by acting upon inspiration and ideas, instead of letting them sit in the dark recess of one's mind. Sometimes it is a matter of timing. Sometimes you complete things at a right time.

So this is the motivation behind the project 40 days count down to Turning 42! It seems to be a genial  way to complete a circle.

On the day I turned 40, here is what I wrote:

Moi: 1st birthday, March, 1973

Birthday cake from 2011

 Now  my  #3ToBeFree tips to complete personal projects/goals:
  1. Have a "Keep it Simple Attitude".  Working on a project or a goal should be fun because ultimately the process towards the end resulsts you are aiming for will teach you a lot more than the day you complete a project or reach your goal. Do not over-think the process. Live the process.
  2. Have a "Time it Habit". Each day you have to work on a project should not be a day you dread. Your project/goal should not encompass your entire life. It/they should complement and enrich your daily life.  Alloting a schedule for when and how long you will invest to work on your project and goals is one of the simple secret to succeeding in completing and reaching them.
  3. Have a "Savour the Moments Spirit". A day, as you know can feel short or long, even though everyone of us possess 24 hours; we spend and perceive it differently.  Time perception is something that fascinates me.  What I have learned, when you are working on a project/goal, time flies faster. You are more focused (there it is again, my favourite word ;) ) on how time passes by. When you relish the moments it gives you that positive energy that will keep you going strong until the "finish line".
 And so my 40 days count down to Turning 42 begins; keeping the guidelines in mind, I feel confident I will complete it!